140 Best Websites For Economic Data

Collins Aigbekaen Dwight
18 min readApr 19, 2021


1) economagic.com
Contains massive amounts of data on US economy over 400,000-time series. Downloadable in excel format.

2) freelunch.com
Great website with massive amounts of economic and financial data for free.

3) CIA Factbook
Very interesting basic social and economic data on all countries in the world.

4) UNCTAD Data
Extensive, Trade and Foreign Direct Investment Data

5) OECD Annual Data
Data download
Statistical data on macroeconomic data from the OECD covering 30 major economies

6) Econstats.com
Large source of historical data on US and other economies, both economic and financial data presented in a spreadsheet like webpage !

7) data.WorldBank.org
or data.worldbank.org/data-catalog
A huge collection of data over of 200,000 economic indicators, covering 200 countries, particularly useful for developing countries. The second link guides you to spreadsheets.

8) IMF.org
Superb resource for economic data 32,000 macro times series covering over 200 countries, plus direction of trade stats.

8) IMF International Financial Statistics
Great resource providing macroeconomic data on GDP, interest rates, government expenditure, investment and much more fore the 170 plus member countries.

9) WTO.org
The place for trade data, including exports and imports by product group, trade in services, and tariff-related data

10) ilo.org
International Labor Office. Collects huge amounts of labor-related data, including employment, wages, labor productivity, income distribution, and more.

11) data.un.org
United Nations has data covering, crime, education, energy, environment, gender, health, population, tourism and trade, and even commodity prices.

12) OECD.org
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development has many databases covering macroeconomic indicators, education, energy, finance, health, tax, trade and transport, and more!

12) census.gov
Huge dataset on the United States covering people and household, business and industry also results from 2010 census

13) Nationmaster.com
Use a vast databank from a variety of sources enabling you to compare one nation to another in chart form.

14) Penn World Table
Provides GDP and GDP per capita at PPP rates for some 189 countries.

15) Econ-datalinks.org
A listing of various data sources on economics, finance, and business.

16) Eurostat
The place for statistics of all sorts on the European Union member countries, social, economic, and demographic statistics are available.

17) visualizingeconomics.com
This site presents economic data for example on income distribution and house prices in a visual manner. Many creative ways of presenting data.

18) econdata.net
Provides links to a huge range of useful socio-economic data sets. Over 100 links to socioeconomic data sources arranged by subject and provider.

19) Bea.gov
The Bureau of Economic Analysis provides a comprehensive up-to-date picture of economic activity. US economic growth, and regional economic development stats.

20) FRED
The Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis provides over 45,000-time series data. It Covers banking, macro series, exchange rates, international and more.

21) Fedstats.gov
A great resource for locating any US Federal government data. You can locate data by State or Data category. The amount of data indexed is vast as a search of the A to Z reveals.

22) TradingEconomics.com
Provides economic data on over 230 countries along with historical data on some 300,000 economic indicators including bond yields, stock indices and commodity prices. You can select regions.

23) Gapminder.org
A unique way of presenting data on economies, especially on the health and wealth of nations. Some great videos as well as many downloadable economic, demographic, and social indicators.

24) StLoiusFed.org
The Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis provides extensive economic and financial data via FRED 41,000 series are covered.

25) PrincipalGlobalIndicators.org
Run by the IMF this website provides the key macroeconomic data on the G20 economies. Superb resource.

26) Measuringworth.com
Provides links to long-run historical data of currencies against the US dollar and UK and US economic growth rates.

27) MSCI.com
A great resource for the Morgan Stanley Capital Market Indices. You can find various market return indices measured in dollars, euros, and other currencies

28) Workforall.net
A superb list of links to free economic and financial data. Special emphasis on OECD, US, and European data.

29) OECD Data by Country
The above link allows you to search data by particular country from the source statistical agency of the country.

30) Yardeni Research
The Yardeni research stats page includes many useful links to data sources for the US and other economies.

31) Bls.gov/fls
The Bureau of Labor Statistics has this very useful section on foreign labour statistics. You can find employment and unemployment data, hourly compensation costs, productivity and unit labor costs and GDP per capita and hour.

32) indexmundi.com
Really useful website for economic data on various countries around the world. There is also commodity data and financial data such as exchange rates.

33) laborsta.ilo.org
The International Labor Office has statistics on the labor market covering some 200 countries. You can get all sorts of labor stats such as unemployment rates, economic activity rates, labor costs, wages, and much more.

34) ebrd.com/economicsdata
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development publishes economics data on the transition economies including macroaggregates and survey data.

35) Comtrade.un.org
The United Nations Commercial Trade database is a huge resource with data on which country trades with which country and the breakdown of the goods each country exports into various sectors. 1.75 billion trade data points since 1962. Available for free.

36) fx.sauder.ubc.ca
The Saunder School of Business has a nice service providing free data on a large selection of currencies. There are both spot and forward exchange rate quotations

37) FT.com/DataArchive
The FT data archive is excellent in that you can look up bonds, equities, currencies, and commodities on a given date. It generates a nice pdf file for the particular date you look up.

38) commodity.com/debt-clock
Check out the national debts of countries like Greece, Ireland, Italy, Spain, UK, Germany, and the US. It also gives the figure per capita.

39) RateInflation.com
Gives the rate of inflation data for many countries, you can also download historical data.

40) Tansparency.org
Run by Transparency International this site looks at corruption and bribery data. Its corruption perception index (CPI)measures the perceived levels of public sector corruption in 176

41) CountryEconomy.com
This site provides recent Marco data for selected economies, along with risk premia, bond yields, and also sovereign ratings. We have linked to the English version.

42) nber.org/releases
The National Bureau of Economic Research has a nice page linking to all the latest economic data and also links to the relevant archive for each series.

43) cdis.imf.org
The Coordinated Direct Investment Survey is an IMF database that enables you to view the top sources of inward and outward FDI stocks for a country — so for example you can see the UK is the biggest FDI investor in the US while the US invests most in the Netherlands followed by the UK.

44) UNCTAD.org/FDIdata
The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development has an excellent open-access database for FDI flows for the period 1970 onwards both on flows and stocks. The data can be viewed either by Region of the World or individual

45) EPDC.org
The Education Policy Data Center has the world’s largest international education database with over 3.8 million data points from 200 countries. The data comes from national and international websites including household survey data sets as well as studies and reports

46) Globalization-index.org
The KOF index of globalization measures the degree of a country’s globalization in an index using three criteria. Economic, social and political. It covers 208 countries for the period 1970 to present on an annual basis.

47) Prosperity.com
The Legatum prosperity index ranks countries around the world on the basis of many economic, social and political factors to gain an overall prosperity index. Data is freely available and you can select various criteria to compare countries.

48) Paris School of Economics/TopIncomes
The above links to the income distribution database of the Paris School of Economics great way to find out the share of the top 1%, 5%, 10% in national incomes and wealth for various countries over time.

49) stats.gov.cn/english
For anyone looking for Chinese economic data, this is probably the best source. covers GDP, inflation, exports, imports, and much more.

50) census.gov
or census.gov/compendia/statab
The US census site provides a huge range of data sets on the economy, business, population, and other figures from the census. We like the quick facts that cover data on each State.

51) World-statistics.org
This website provides economic data on population, GDP, health, child labor, education, and health. They can be presented in maps and table form. Many sources of data used including the world bank, Eurostat, and United Nations.

The Economics network site has a number of useful links to free economics data. There is a fairly detailed description of each data source as well.

53) Zanran.com
Zanran is like a google for finding data. The search engine finds ‘semi-structured data on the web. This is the numerical data that people have presented as graphs, spreadsheets, tables, and charts. This data information can be difficult to locate using traditional search engines, which are focused primarily on finding text rather than graphs, tables, and bar charts.

54) Knoema.com
This is a superb innovative resource. Knoema is a knowledge platform that seeks to provide a uniform structure to economic data it finds and presents it in a visually appealing manner. For example, you can see the GDP of each country at market exchange rates and using PPP. Lots of other data covering a huge range of economic subject areas. Superb resource.

55) Worldwide-tax.com
If you are interested in worldwide tax rates then this is an excellent resource. They have corporate and personal tax rates. Also, there are employer and employee tax rates as well as the rates of Value Added Tax in different countries. Plus article relating to tax rates.

56) USTradeonline.gov
The official US data service gives access to cumulative U.S. export and import data for over 9,000 export commodities and 17,000 import commodities.

57) Offstats.auckland.ac.nz

The Office for statistics at the University of Auckland provides excellent links to data either by region, country, or subject. All in all, it links to a huge range of resources including international organizations, central banks, statistical offices, and finance ministries.

58) fsi.imf.org
The Financial Soundness Indicators are devised by the IMF with the aim of supporting macroprudential analysis and assessing strengths and vulnerabilities of financial systems.. A range of statistics is available to look at the overall soundness of a country’s financial system.

59. macmap.org
Market Access Map provides information about customs tariffs applied by 191 countries and faced by 239 countries. It also covers tariff rates, quotas, trade remedies, rules and certificates of origin, bound tariffs of WTO members, non-tariff measures, and trade flows.

60) stats.oecd.org/oecdfactbook
The OECD Factbook is a great way to represent country data in graphs. You can rank all OECD countries by a given variable such as GDP, population, exports, and so on for a given year. It generates excellent charts.

61) Inflation.eu
If you want to get the rate of inflation for a particular economy then this website probably has it. You can also plot graphs of the inflation rate.

62) Quandl.com
This is a great resource for students and researchers. Once you sign in there is access to over 9 million economic, financial and social datasets. You can see a variety of sources where the data may exist and download and graph the data. A superb resource.

63) Nber.org/data
The National Bureau of Economics Research has links to many datasets. Includes macro data, industry productivity and digitization data, international trade data, hospital data, demographic data, patent/ scientific and other data.

64) Bankofengland.co.uk/sid
The Bank of England provides an excellent statistical interactive database. There is a huge amount of useful financial, economic and banking data. The data covers both UK and foreign countries. The A to Z index is particularly helpful.

65) Conference-board.org/data
The Conference Board provides some very timely economic data on the business cycle, labor demand, and trends. It also publishes several barometers of consumer and business confidence, including the widely quoted Consumer Confidence Index and the Leading Economic Indicators.

66) wto.org/tariffprofiles
This link gives the world trade organization an annual compilation of bound and applied tariffs. The data is prepared annually by the WTO, ITC, and UNCTAD.

67) doingbusiness.org
The World Bank’s doing business website is a great way to find out how easy it is to set up and run a business in various countries. Each country is given a global rank. Each country is given a rank under each of the 10 criteria.

68) intracen.org/trade-statistics
The International Trade Center collects masses of useful trade statistics and also details of the products which each country exports and imports.

69) Geohive.com
The Geohive website is full of statistics on things like population, global economic data such as GDP per capita, agricultural production, and energy production and consumption. There are also useful links to where to find relevant country data.

70) econ.worldbank.org/Trade-Integration
The World bank trade and integration statistics cover trade policy, trade in services, international migration, labor and poverty, trade costs and facilitation, and technology and productivity.

71) ucatlas.ucsc.edu
The UC Atlas is a map of global inequality. It looks at income, health stats, health, gender inequalities between countries.

72) CountryEconomy.com
A website that has easy-to-use tools for comparing macroeconomic and financial data of different countries such as inflation, fiscal deficits, unemployment rates, bond yields, stocks, and even minimum wage levels.

73) Flowingdata.com
Flowing Data explores how designers, statisticians, and computer scientists
are using and presenting data in a very visual fashion. The site shows very interesting data and how it can be shown in a lively and innovative fashion.

74) MeasuringWorth.com
This website has some useful long-term historical statistics on variables such as GDP, wages, consumer price indices, earnings, exchange rates, and the prices of gold. There is a useful calculator letting you input the precise years you are interested in.

74) World Health Organization/Statistics
WHO’s annual World Health Statistics reports present the most recent health statistics for the WHO Member States. Data is downloadable in Excel.

75) World Bank/ Development Stats
If you are looking for historical datasets on economic growth then the World Bank maintains a set of useful historical statistics.

76) WorldBank.org/WDI
This links to the entire World Development Indicators database spreadsheet. It has a great range of indicators for 216 different economies. A great resource for students and lecturers alike.

77) data.worldbank.org/country
Via this link, you can download the World development indicators database by Country.

78) Multpl.com
This website has data on various financial ratios for the S&P 500 such as price to earnings, price to book. There is also World Economic Stats and various macro data sets on important economies such as the US, China, and so on.

79) Ceicdata.com
Compare Economic Data provides data on some 120 countries. Covers inflation, GDP growth, exports and imports, and Foreign direct investment figures. As it is a commercial provider, not all data is public.

80) StatisticsWorldwide.com
The blog links to an enormous amount of publicly available data. It links to not only economic data but also social statistics and demographic statistics.

81) Global-rates.com
This website publishes short-term interest rates and also inflation rates. Particularly useful if you are looking for $Libor, €Libor rates at 1 to 12-month time horizon.

82) PolicyUncertainty.com
This research center publishes some economic policy uncertainty indices for various countries. You can download monthly data on individual economies.

83) Forecasts.org/data
Forecasts.org has a data page enabling you to find historical data on the GDP, interest rates, exchange rates, employment, the money supply, commodity prices, and housing data. Excellent resource.

84) gpo.gov
The US government printing office publishes up to date economic statistics on the United States since 1995. The data can be downloaded in a spreadsheet of pdf format. Covers output, employment, production, prices, money, credit, Federal Finance, and International statistics.

85) adb.org/data/statistics
The Asian Development Bank database of statistical information covers a number of developing countries. Statistics available include national income, trade data, inflation, population and labor force statistics, government finance, monetary statistics, and energy usage statistics.

86) google.com/publicdata/directory
The Google public data directory links to lots of useful publicly available data sets. The site merely connects you to where the data is you cannot download the data without going to the relevant site.

87. Macrotrends.net
This site provides lots of interesting long-term charts comparing the gold price to consumer prices, the Dow Jones compared to gold, debt to GDP, etc. Charts cover the economy, markets and enable comparisons.

88) economicswebinstitute.org/data
The Economics web institute provides links to lots of economic and social data sets. The data can be downloaded via an excel spreadsheet.

89) phil.frb.org/data-files
The Philadelphia Federal Reserve Bank provides data on professional forecasts for a range of macroeconomic and financial data. This data is useful if you are looking for inflation forecasts or GDP forecasts and so on

The above links to the US Treasury data center that has data on how much of US bonds are held by foreigners, US banking data, US derivative contracts, and other data about US holdings of foreign assets and foreign holdings of US assets. Known as the Treasury International Capital (TIC) data.

91) Worldeconomics.com
This site specializes in giving some unique data sets like World GDP, percentage of World GDP by region, world, and regional price indices. Data starts in 1960 till present.

92) Trademap.org
This site provides data in the form of tables, graphs, and maps on export performance, international demand, alternative markets, and competitive markets. It covers over 200 countries and territories and 5300 products of the Harmonized System. The monthly, quarterly, and yearly trade flows are available from the most aggregated level to the tariff line level. In addition, there is a directory of importing and exporting companies.

93) hdr.undp.org/en/data
The Human Development Index is a measure used to look at the well-being of different countries. Rather than just GDP data, it looks at other variables such as Health, Education, and Social Factors.

94) worldstartupwiki.org/countrydata
This site provides recent data on certain interesting statistics such as population, internet usage per 100 people, mobile subscriptions per 100 people, the market capitalization of listed companies, and much more!

95) Gini Coefficients World Bank
The World Bank publishes Gini coefficients for countries over time. The Gini coefficient lies between 0 to 100. A low Gini coefficient means an unequal distribution of income while a high Gini coefficient denotes a more equal distribution of income.

96) adb.org/data/statistics
The Asian Development Bank has plenty of statistics in Asia?Economies including India, China, Pakistan, Japan, and South Korea. There is macro data and key financial data sets available.

97) imf.org/datamapper
We like the IMF data mapper as it enables you to draw maps of key data for various countries of the world. Like inflation, unemployment rates, and economic growth rates. You can also compare advanced and emerging market economies and much more.

98) un.org/en/globaleconomicoutlook
The UN Global economic outlook database is a superb resource as it enables you to get key macro data for regions and economies of the world since 2001. It also includes projections reported in the World Economic Situation and Prospects (WESP). The WESP is released in January and an update is released in June each year.

99) oecdbetterlifeindex.org
This interactive OECD website lets you rank economies according to 11 criteria such as housing, income, jobs, community, environment, civil engagement, health, life satisfaction, safety, and work-life balance. You can change the importance of these criteria to find your ideal country!

100) Worldlifeexpectancy.com
This website as well as giving the life expectancy of countries also gives the main causes of death per 100,000 of the population. You can see figures and visual maps of death rates per 100,000 causes by cancer, alcohol, aids/HIV, liver disease, road traffic accidents, etc

101) gsociology.icaap.org/dataupload
This popular data page provides lots of links to various socio-economic data sets such as population data, mortality data, demographic data, GDP per capita, energy consumption per capita, human rights indices etc

102) Bundesbank.de/EN/Statistics
The German Bundesbank collects many useful statistics. It covers German public finance, monetary aggregates, and capital markets. We also like the fact that it is easy to access many aggregate Eurozone statistics as well.

103) globaledge.msu.edu/country
Global edge provides a quick overview of country data from various sources such as the world bank, the BBC, and the US
Department of State.

104) worldbank.org/governance
The World Bank Governance indicators provide a rich dataset of various governance indicators on a scale of 1 to 4 on the following criteria Voice and Accountability, Political Stability and Absence of Violence, Government Effectiveness, Regulatory Quality, Rule of Law and Control of Corruption. You can check countries for the period 1995–2013.

105) efwdata.com
The Economic Freedom of the World Index measures the Economic freedom of a country with regard to the protection and enforcement of property rights. It is published by the Fraser Institute on the premise that “An index of economic freedom should measure the extent to which rightly acquired property is protected and individuals are engaged in voluntary transactions.” The scale reads 1 to 10 with a higher number representing greater economic freedom.

106) economywatch.com/statistics
Economy Watch provides a lot of macro statistics for various years. It is particularly useful as you can quickly see tables for data for other economies in the same table. There is GDP data, inflation data, economic freedom data, government debt, and tax rates plus internet usage stats.

107) International Trade Center
The International Trade Centre has a suite of online tools to make global trade more transparent and facilitate access to markets: Trade Map, Market Access Map, Investment Map, Trade Competitiveness Map, Standards Map, and Procurement Map.

108) PriceStats.com
If you need purchasing power parity exchange rates based on a wide range of 250 products then this site provides them. In addition, it provides daily inflation statistics based on online prices for 22 countries.

109) ourworldindata.org
This site is full of useful data concerning population, health, food and agriculture, environment, technology, income distribution and economic development, and standard of living. Most of the data is presented in interesting charts.

110) Vizala.com
This site has data on various economies and is divided into three key sections. Economy, Market Research and Society. Many statistics are available. It is a great way to quickly see comparative statistics of different countries and different years.

111) Allthatstats.com
This site has access to many publicly available economic statistics and it makes it easy to find exactly what you are looking for. In addition, it plots some very useful charts of the data.

112) Federalreserve.gov/data
The above links to a whole range of US-related interest rate data, from commercial bills, to Treasury bonds, commercial paper, and also corporate bonds.

113) Databank.rbs.com
The Royal Banks of Scotland has a nice databank of data for various countries including interest rates, exchange rates, commodities, and inflation rates. You can download the data in an excel spreadsheet.

114) Siblisresearch.com
This site lets you look for various financial data and financial indices. There are things like the CAPE and PE ratios and the market capitalization.

115) AssetMacro.com
AssetMacro offers Free Historical Data for Leading Indicators of Economies and Market Data for Global Stocks, Bonds, Commodities, and Currencies.

116) Econdata.uk
EconData.uk is a one-stop website for a wide range of UK economic data. It brings together publicly available data series on variables such as the government budget deficit, the national debt, real wages, income inequality, and house prices.

117) unstats.un.org/unsd/databases
The above links to a wide variety of UN databases, relating to population, trade, social indicators, economic statistics, and more.

118) unstats.un.org/mbs
The United Nations Monthly Bulletin of Statistics presents current economic and social statistics for more than 200 countries and territories of the world. Covering population, industrial production indices, price indices, employment and earnings, energy, manufacturing, transport, construction, international merchandise trade, finance, and national accounts.

119) Freetheworld.com/countrydata
The Fraser Index is a scale of 1 to 10 telling you how free a country is, a higher score represents higher economic freedom. Through the link, you can look up differing countries' Fraser Index scores over time.

120) TheGlobalEconomy.com
This site is an excellent source of data once registered international economic data compiled from multiple official sources: Including the World Bank, United Nations, Transparency International, and more. Excellent resource.

121) sdw.ecb.europa.eu
The European Central Bank has a lot of statistical data on the European Union countries including money supply, interest rates, prices, output, and the labor market.

122) ec.europa.eu/eurostat/data/database
The EuropeanUnion Eurostat database has tons of data on the 28 European Union member states. Covering the economy, trade, population, environment, migration, and much more.

123) Euro-area-statistics.org
This site provides macroeconomic statistics for countries in the Euro Areas. The stats include interest rates, external sector, competitiveness indicators, macro indicators, securities, and more.

124) ShadowStats.com
John Williams Shadow Government Statistics is an electronic newsletter service that exposes and analyzes flaws in current U.S. government economic data and reporting, as well as in certain private-sector numbers. It provides an assessment of underlying economic and financial conditions, net of financial-market and political hype.

125) nowandfutures.com
This site provides lots of useful charts and there is also some useful data download.

126) HistoricalStatistics.org
A useful website if you are seeking some older statistics on certain countries. You can find lots of historical data covering exchange rates, interest rates, GDP, and more.

127) UKtradeinfo.com
A great place to get detailed statistics on UK trade data including who the UK trades with and values.

128). theAtlas.com
A site where you can find some data and interesting graphs. Graphs can be selected by popular, technology, finance, and corporate.

129) conference-board/economydatabase
The conference board is a good way to get data on economies especially things like their productivity relative to the United States

130) wageindicator.org
If you want to know the minimum wages in a country or get up to speed with relevant labor laws then this site is a great place to go. There is also quite a lot of research publications on the labor market in various countries available.

131) globalization.kof.ethz.ch
The KOF globalization index tells you what are the most globalized economies using economic, social, and political criteria. The figures are revised annually so you can track the progress of a country over time.

​132) Numbeo.com
Numbeo is the world’s largest database of user-contributed data about cities and countries worldwide. Numbeo provides current and timely information on world living conditions including cost of living, housing indicators, health care, traffic, crime, and pollution.

133) Macrohistory.net
This website has a lot of historical statistics including, GDP, house prices, debt, inflation, stocks and bonds, and also credit data such as business or consumer loans and mortgage loans

134) ​OurWorldinData.org
​This is a popular site if you want to look at longer-term trends in data on all sorts of things. It covers economic data, population, health, food, energy and much more. It is based at Oxford University and there is also some excellent articles, comments, and blog posts on the data that are very insightful.

135) Doingbusiness.org/data
The World Bank’s doing business databank is a superb resource enabling you to get quantitative data on the various factors that enable businesses to operate. The database relies on contributions of more than 13,000 lawyers, accountants, judges, engineers, architects, business people and public officials in 190 economies

136) Census.gov/econ
The US census has a lot of data on the US economy covering retail trade, international trade, manufacturing and economy wide statistics. A great resource for those interested in the US economy.

137) economicsnetwork.ac.uk/data
This page links to a wide range of datasets with accompanying commentary. It is particularly useful for UK students looking to get datasets on the UK economy.

138) ec.europa.eu/eurostat
This is a great resource for data on the 28 EU member states. You can get trade statistics, GDP data, inflation, unemployment, and much much more.

139) CEPII
The CEPPII database has a range of datasets that are especially interesting for those studying international economics, these include effective exchange rates, trade, and international investment, revealed comparative advantage, and much more.

140) db.nomics.world
DB Nomics takes datasets from various national statistical agencies, central banks, Treasuries, and international organizations to provide access to many millions of economic data. A great resource.

(Source: BusinessEconomics.com)



Collins Aigbekaen Dwight
Collins Aigbekaen Dwight

Written by Collins Aigbekaen Dwight

I share learning resources on Economics, Business, Research/Thesis, Internship, Career growth, Scholarship, and other learning opportunities

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